Lately I have started focusing my attention more outward rather than inward. I’m done with trying to improve my life, be positive and solve my mental problems. What I’ve realised is that I am who I am and I need to accept that and move on to more important things like saving the world. Ha! You may say. But if not me then who? And if not now then when? If we all think like this then that means it won’t be just me trying to save the world but millions and trillions of people trying to save it! Surely that will make a difference? So from now on Phoebe is going to share messages with the entire world, illustration by illustration, story by story, blog post by blog post. Messages to wake us all up from our inward obsessions with happiness because how can we be happy if we have no where to live?? And besides that… Planet Phoebe is way to small to migrate to so don’t even think about it!
Read on for Phoebe’s latest story…
PLASTIC - Keep your eyes on the ball! Lets stop the Plastic Plague together!
Phoebe hadn’t been down to Earth for quite some time. In fact, she had been so preoccupied with her own little world that she had almost forgotten that she was part of a much bigger picture. Peering out into the universe, she was shocked by what she saw. The earth was no longer a sparkling jewel of blue, white and green, but rather resembled a big ball of plastic in 50 shades of fluoro… What on Earth had happened?!
Hind sight: Choose wisely and avoid Plastic…x