It’s been a while and sooo much has happened… so I thought it was time I did a new Phoebe, especially being Christmas! Then, as I was thinking about snorkels, it hit me… it’s been 10 years since Phoebe first appeared as a rough sketch on paper. In that time she has evolved from a messy headed lost soul finding her way through the dark into a spiritual guru following the path of enlightenment… or is that me?! Thank you Phoebe for all your whimsical wisdom and humorous twists as we found our way back on track. I say ‘we’ because Phoebe is me on the inside - my soul, my inner voice, my true self. Without Phoebe appearing when I needed help, I’m not sure I would have made it this far. She has been my guiding light, the one true thing that sparked my creative spirit and lit it up like a fire cracker.
SO enough of that! Here’s my latest Phoebe… a Christmasy tribute to the very first Phoebe illo I ever did on the 1st of November 2011 which if you’re into number sequences, was 1.11.11. Freaky? Maybe! Or it was meant to be… the beginning of a 10 year journey to find my true self, my heart and happiness. Anyway, here it is… story and all.
Phoebe ‘Good Gracious!’
Phoebe ‘Good Gracious!’
Phoebe was almost unrecognisable in her full PPE which clashed with her pure and simple intentions for Christmas. She had wanted to spread light, love and joy as far wide and as she graciously could, without all the over-indulging in wayward Christmas consumerism, fancy feasting or exhaustive multi-venue socialising. This year was simply about giving from the heart. Unfortunately for Phoebs, this year was also about not giving or spreading (you know what), which complicated everything. If only her goggles would stop fogging up so that she could actually see where she was going… xo
Spreading love and light (not germs) to all this Christmas,
PS. Below is an image of the very first Phoebe illo I did in 2011…
Phoebe ‘Scary’ - The Phoebe that started it all… She’s certainly grown up since then!